Sunday, April 4, 2010

harvard professor on barefoot running

Check out this you tube video on barefoot running; I don't think I could run totally barefoot on the streets like he does, I like to have my vibram five fingers on my feet! But barefoot is good and I'm so thankful for the feldenkrais method; it has helped me organize myself so going to barefoot is so natural and easy!

hill running barefoot

Nice long barefoot run this morning in the hills and they are hills here in Kamloops; lots of up and down. After last weeks long run my right heel and ankle were sore. I attribute it to poor foot strike on the uphill and today focused on getting on my forefoot as I climbed hills. I also focused on my downhill running and kept Sandra Bradshaw's atm in mind as I went down (see and check out her blog). I kept my butt wiggling right/left and my knees bent as I went downhill! That really helped me run downhill without any discomfort! And after today's run I did hydro therapy; soaked my feet in cold water, as cold and as long as I could tolerate. My feet feel good and stiffness in my ankle is gone!