Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Well I have reached my goal of running 21K; last Sunday in run club we ran 21.1K. And it was easy and comfortable. But I am so glad that I do Feldenkrais. I have had days after a run where my legs are stiff and my feet ache. And I get on the floor and do some Feldenkrais lessons and all the tension in my body melts away and my next run is even easier than before. I think that the best 'boot camp' for any long distance runner would be to do two Feldenkrais lessons a week (they are called Awareness Through Movement). Performance improves and injuries are eliminated. I hope any body reading this blog and who is a long distance runner will find a Feldenkrais practitioner in your community and sign up for a series of classes. Check out for a listing of all practitioners in North America.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little ways north of Seattle, Susinn. I agree very much with what you say about Feldenkrais. It first made it possible for me to run (I had fibromyalgia, which is now gone), and has enabled me to hone my running more and more. It helps me improve my speed, enables my endurance to improve (because more efficiency means I can go longer), enables me to recover from runs more, and feel better while I'm running. I just finished the Seattle Rock n' Roll Marathon in June. I'm currently exploring speedwork, to up my game a bit. Anyway. Good to find another Feldy runner. It's great stuff.

    Jan Kingston
    Snohomish, WA
